Solved Examples and Worksheet for Solving Two-step Word Problems

Q1Victor had $20. His mother gave him $15, and his father gave him $22. How much money does Victor have now?

A. $57
B. $54
C. $62
D. $52

Step: 1
Let X be the money Victor have now.
Step: 2
X = money Victor had initially + money given by mother + money given by father
Step: 3
X = 20 + 15 + 22 = 57
Step: 4
So the money Victor have now , X = $57.
Correct Answer is :   $57
Q2Robert had $220 in his pocket. He donated $55 to a charity. How much money is he left with?

A. $155
B. $175
C. $165

Step: 1
Let x be the money left with him.
Step: 2
Money with Robert = $220
Step: 3
Money he donated to the charity = $55
Step: 4
Money left with him = Money with Robert - Money donated to charity
Step: 5
x = 220 - 55 = 165
  [Substitute and subtract.]
Step: 6
Therefore, Robert is left with $165.
Correct Answer is :   $165
Q3Irena makes $7 an hour. How much money does she make in 6 hours?

A. $57
B. $54
C. $49
D. $42

Step: 1
Let x be the money Irena makes in 6 hours.
Step: 2
Money that Irena makes in one hour = $7
Step: 3
Money that Irena makes in 6 hours = Money that Irena makes in one hour × Money that Irena makes in 6 hours
Step: 4
x = 7 × 6
Step: 5
x = 42
Step: 6
So, Irena makes $42 in 6 hours.
Correct Answer is :   $42
Q4You have 18 baseball cards to give to 9 friends. You want to give the same number of cards to each friend. How many cards should each friend get?

A. 2
B. 9
C. 18
D. 1

Step: 1
Let x be the number of cards each friend gets.
Step: 2
Number of baseball cards = 18
Step: 3
Number of friends = 9
Step: 4
Each friend should get the same number of cards. Therefore we must divide the total number of cards by the total number of friends.
Step: 5
x = 18 ÷ 9 = 2
Step: 6
So each friend gets 2 cards.
Correct Answer is :   2
Q5Lindsay has 14 crayons. How many crayons will she be left with if she shares the crayons equally with her friend?

A. 14
B. 10
C. 20
D. 7

Step: 1
Let x be the number of crayons Lindsay will be left with.
Step: 2
Total number of crayons = 14.
Step: 3
Numbers of people sharing the crayons = 2.
Step: 4
Total Number of crayons Lindsay will be left with after sharing = Total number of crayonsNumber of people sharing the crayons
Step: 5
x = 14 ÷ 2
Step: 6
x = 7
Step: 7
So, Lindsay has 7 crayons now.
Correct Answer is :   14
Q6Jim has $45. He buys 3 glue bottles for $4 each. How much is he left with after buying the glue bottles?

A. $28
B. $35
C. $33
D. $22

Step: 1
Let x be the money he is left with.
Step: 2
Money left = money Jim has - (cost of one glue bottle × number of glue bottles he buys)
  [Write an algebraic expression.]
Step: 3
x = $45 - (4 × 3)
Step: 4
x = 45 - 12
Step: 5
x = 33
  [Subtract 12 from 45.]
Step: 6
So, Jim is left with $33.
Correct Answer is :   $35
Q7The temperature at 5:00 in the morning was 45°F. By afternoon it had gone up by 10°F, and at night it fell by 4°F. What was the temperature at night?
A. 49°F
B. 63°F
C. 55°F
D. 51°F

Step: 1
Let T be the temperature at night
Step: 2
Night temperature, T = Temperature in the morning + temperature gone up by afternoon - temperature fell at night
Step: 3
T = 45°F + 10°F - 4°F = 51°F
Step: 4
So, the night temperature was 51°F.
Correct Answer is :   51°F
Q8Josh takes 2 slices of bread in his breakfast every day. Calculate the number of slices of bread he eats in a week.
A. 14
B. 16
C. 30
D. 22

Step: 1
Let x be the number of slices of bread he eats in a week's time.
Step: 2
Number of days in a week = 7
Step: 3
Number of slices of bread he eats per day = 2
Step: 4
Number of slices of bread he eats in a week's time = Number of slices of bread he eats per day × Number of days in a week
Step: 5
x = 2 × 7 = 14
  [Substitute and multiply.]
Step: 6
So, Josh eats 14 slices of bread in a week.
Correct Answer is :   14
Q9Andrew had $56 with him. Then he made $16 at the jumble sale. If he buys a lunch for $17, how much money will he have?

A. $60
B. $55
C. $72
D. $65

Step: 1
Let x be the money left with Andrew
Step: 2
Money left with Andrew = Money initially he had + money he made at the jumble sale - money he spent for buying a shirt
Step: 3
x = 56 + 16 - 17 = 55
  [Substitute the values.]
Step: 4
So, the money left with Andrew is $55.
Correct Answer is :   $55
Q10Sheela bought 60 balloons. Of those, 15 were yellow balloons, 28 red balloons, and the rest were blue. How many blue balloons did she buy?

A. 12
B. 113
C. 17
D. 43

Step: 1
Let n be the number of blue ballons
Step: 2
Number of balloons Sheela bought = 60
Step: 3
Number of yellow colored balloons = 15
Step: 4
Number of red colored balloons = 28
Step: 5
Number of blue balloons, n = Total number of balloons - number of yellow colored balloons - number of red colored balloons
Step: 6
n = 60 - 15 - 28 = 17
Step: 7
So, the number of blue colored balloons she bought, n = 17.
Correct Answer is :   17
Q11Alvin had $700. He spent $165 and earned $240. How much does he have now?

A. $775
B. $720
C. $750
D. $695

Step: 1
Let x be the money Alvin has now.
Step: 2
Money Alvin has now = money initially he had - money he spent + money he earned
Step: 3
x = 700 - 165 + 240 = 775
Step: 4
So, the money Alvin has now is $775.
Correct Answer is :   $775