Definition Of Potable Water
Potable water is water that is fit for consumption my humans and other animals
More About Potable water
- Potable water is also called drinking water
- Water may be naturally potable, as is the case with pristine springs, or it may need to be treated in order to be safe
- In either instance, the safety of water is assessed with tests which look for potentially harmful contaminants
- The issue of access to potable water is very important
- In developed countries, people may not put a great deal of thought into the source of their water
- In many First World nations, citizens can turn on a tap for fresh, potable water which may also be enriched with substances for health
- In developing countries, however, and especially in Africa, a large proportion of the population does not have access to safe water
- Water which is not safe to drink can carry diseases and heavy metals. People who consume this water will become ill, and there is a risk of death
- The lack of potable water is often accompanied by other lapses in sanitation, such as open sewers and limited garbage collection. Many of these public health issues impact the poor more than anyone else
- Water which is contaminated can be treated to turn it into potable water
- One of the easiest ways to treat water is boiling. Boiling kills the germs present in water
- Boiling water may not remove heavy contaminants, but it can neutralize most bacteria and viruses which may be present
- Water can also be treated with chemicals such as bleach, which sometimes come in the form of tablets for field and camping use. In addition, water can be pumped through a filter to remove particulates
- Chlorination is a commonly used chemical method to purify water
- Chlorination is done by adding chlorine tablets or bleaching powder to water
- We must be cautious while adding chlorine tablets
- We must not add more chlorine tablets than specified
- Laws for industrial units must be strictly implemented so that polluted water is not directly disposed into water bodies
- At our individual levels we must not waste water
- Reduce; reuse and recycle should be the thought of saving water
- We can think of creative ideas like reusing water used for washing and for other household tasks
- Water used for washing vegetables must be used for watering plants
- Since pollution is affecting the quality of our daily lives, we must think and use environment friendly processes to save our planet