Definition Of Metals

Definition Of Metals

A metal is a solid material (an element) that is typically hard, opaque, shiny, and features good electrical and thermal conductivity

More About Metals

  • Metals are generally malleable, that is, they can be hammered or pressed permanently out of shape without breaking or cracking
  • The property of metals by which they can be beaten into thin sheets is called malleability
  • Metals are fusible , that is, able to be fused or melted and ductile, that is they are able to be drawn out into a thin wire
  • Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity
  • That is why we cannot hold a hot metal pan or rod without plastic or wooden handle
  • 91 of the 118 elements in the periodic table are metals
  • Metals can be drawn into thin wires. The property of metals by which they can be drawn into thin wires is called ductility
  • Metals are sonorous. That is they produce ringing sound when they fall on a flat surface or when they are struck hard by any object
  • The materials other than metals are not sonorous
  • The examples of metals are iron, calcium, magnesium, copper , silver and alluminium
  • Metals like iron and copper rust when they are exposed to air and water
  • The formulae of rust are Fe2O3.nH2O and Cu(OH)2 +CUCO3
  • When sodium reacts with water it produces heat and light rigorously resulting in a basic solution
  • Iron reacts slowly with water
  • Metals react with acids and bases and produce hydrogen gas that burns with pop sound
  • Metals displace lower metals in the activity series from their salt solutions
  • The oxides of metals are basic in nature. They turn red litmus blue
  • Metals like sodium and potassium are soft and can be cut with a knife
  • Mercury is the only metal found in liquid state
  • The atoms of metallic substances are closely positioned to neighboring atoms in one of two common arrangements
  • One arrangement is body centered cubic In this arrangement, each atom is positioned at the center of eight others
  • Another arrangement is face centered cubic. In this arrangement, each atom is positioned in the center of six others

Uses of Metals:

  • Aluminium is suitable for the bodies of planes
  • Copper is used in electrical wires as it is a good conductor and in water pipes
  • Gold is used in jewellery and electric connections
  • Steel is suitable for building material
  • Silver foil is used for decorating sweets
  • Alluminium foils are used for wrapping food
  • Metals are used in kitchen utensils, which are the vessels used for cooking food in India