Definition Of Matter

Definition Of Matter

Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space

More About Matter

  • All objects we see with the naked eye are composed of atoms
  • This atomic matter is in turn made up of interacting subatomic particles—usually a nucleus of protons and neutrons
  • Matter is everything around you
  • Matter is anything made of atoms and molecules
  • Mass is the amount of stuff in an object
  • Matter is sometimes related to light and electromagnetic radiation
  • Even though matter can be found all over the Universe, you only find it in a few forms
  • Scientists have identified five physical states of matter. Each of those states is sometimes called a phase
  • Solids, liquids, gases, plasmas, and one state called the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) are the five states of matter
  • The scientists who worked with the Bose-Einstein condensate received a Nobel Prize for their work in 1995
  • It's about the physical state of the molecules and atoms that make the state of matter
  • Matter has been thought to be made of five elements: Air, water, fire, sky and earth
  • Everything around us is matter
  • Matter was believed to be continuous earlier like a block of wood earlier
  • Later on, matter was believed to be made up of particles like sand
  • If we dissolve salt or sugar in water, it spreads and occupies space in between the water molecules
  • The salt or sugar spreads uniformly in the space in between the water molecules and we get its taste
  • When we dissolve salt in water, the particles of salt get into spaces in between particles of water
  • There is no change in the level of water
  • With this experiment, we can come to the conclusion that matter is not continuous and there is space between particles of matter
  • Matter is made of very tiny particles
  • This can be demonstrated by dissolving few crystals of KMnO4 in about 100 ml of water.
  • Take little solution and dilute it.
  • Repeat the experiment
  • We can observe that few crystals of KMnO4 can color up to 1 litter of water


Which of the following are not particles of matter?

a) Chair
b) Smell
c) Clothes
d) Thought

Answer: -- b & d

2) What produces more severe burns: boiling water or steam?

a) Boiling water
b) Steam
c) Both a & b

Answer: b

Explanation: This is because steam because steam is hotter than boiling water. Because once water reaches a certain temperature it turns to steam so in order for it to just be boiling water the temperature is less than that

3) Matter has how many phases?

a) three
b) Four
c) Five
d) Two

Answer: c; they are solid, liquid, gas, plasma and BEC