Solved Examples and Worksheet for Application of percents

Q1A store marks up the price of a television by 2%. If the store pays $400 for the television, what is the price at which the store sells each piece?

A. $348
B. $478
C. $378
D. $408

Step: 1
Selling price = store's cost of the television + markup
= 400 + 2% of 400
Step: 2
= 400 + 0.02 × 400
  [Convert percent to decimal by moving decimal point two places left and then multiply with the cost.]
Step: 3
= 400 + 8 = 408
Step: 4
The store sells each television at $408.
Correct Answer is :   $408
Q2Henry buys a bike for $600 and sells it at 10% discount to Tim. Tim sells it at 5% markup to Jake. Find the price Jake paid Tim.
A. $567
B. $560.50
C. $530.75
D. $568

Step: 1
Selling price of bike after 10% discount = regular price - discount
= 600 - 10% of regular price
Step: 2
= 600 - 0.10 × 600
  [Convert percent to decimal by moving decimal point two places to left and then multiply with the regular price.]
Step: 3
= 600 - 60 = $540
Step: 4
Selling price of bike after 5% markup = Selling price of bike after 10% discount + 5% markup cost
Step: 5
= 540 + 5% of 540
  [Substitute the values.]
Step: 6
= 540 + 0.05 × 540
  [Convert percent to decimal by moving decimal point two places to left and then multiply with the cost.]
Step: 7
= 540 + 27 = $567
Step: 8
Jake paid $567 to Tim.
Correct Answer is :   $567
Q3The value of a machine decreases by 11% every year. Brian bought the machine yesterday for $50,000. What will be its value next year?
A. $44,500
B. $43,500
C. $44,520
D. $45,500

Step: 1
The problem asks us to find the value of the machine next year. So, we first need to find 11% of the present value and then subtract that from the present value.
  [The value of a machine decreases by 11% every year.]
Step: 2
= 11100 = 0.11
  [Write the percent as a decimal.]
Step: 3
11% of 50000
= 0.11 × 50000 = 5500
Step: 4
Value of the machine next year
= 50000 - 5500 = 44500
Step: 5
So, next year, the value of the machine will be $44,500.
Correct Answer is :   $44,500
Q4Charles is 15% taller than Paul. If Paul is 4 ft tall, How tall is Charles?

A. 4.4 ft
B. 3.6 ft
C. 4.8 ft
D. 4.6 ft

Step: 1
The problem asks us to find out how tall is Charles. Charles is 15% taller than Paul and Paul is 4 ft tall. So, we first need to find 15% of 4 and then add it to 4 itself.
Step: 2
15% = 15100 = 0.15
  [Write the percent as a decimal.]
Step: 3
15% of 4
= 0.15 × 4 = 0.6
Step: 4
Charles is 0.6 ft taller than Paul.
Step: 5
So, Charles's height = 4 + 0.6 = 4.6 ft.
Correct Answer is :   4.6 ft
Q5Matt's father earns 7% more than Victor's father. If Victor's father earns $2,000, how much will Matt's father earn?
A. $3,140
B. $2,140
C. $2,150
D. $1,140

Step: 1
The problem asks us to find how much Matt's father earns. Matt's father earns 7% more than Victor's father and Victor's father earns $2,000. So, we need to find 7% of $2,000 and then add it to $2,000.
Step: 2
7% = 7100 = 0.07
  [Write the percent as a decimal.]
Step: 3
7% of 2000
= 0.07 × 2000 = 140
Step: 4
Matt's father earns $140 more than Victor's father.
Step: 5
So, the earnings of Matt's father = $2000 + $140 = $2,140.
Correct Answer is :   $2,140
Q6Charlie bought a computer for $200. He had to pay 14% sales tax. Find the sales tax paid.

A. $29
B. $28
C. $30
D. $31

Step: 1
The problem asks us to find the sales tax Charlie paid. Here, we just need to find 14% of $200.
  [Sales tax is a tax based on the cost of the item purchased, usually a percentage of the purchase cost and it is collected directly from the buyer.]
Step: 2
14% = 14100 = 0.14
  [Write the percent as a decimal.]
Step: 3
14% of 200
= 0.14 × 200 = 28
Step: 4
So, Charlie paid $28 as sales tax.
Correct Answer is :   $28
Q7Brad won 30% of the games he played. If Brad played a total of 30 games, find the number of games he won.

A. 11
B. 6
C. 9
D. 10

Step: 1
The problem asks us to find the number of games Brad won. Here, we just need to find 30% of 30.
Step: 2
30% = 30100 = 0.3
  [Write the percent as a decimal.]
Step: 3
30% of 30 = 0.3 × 30 = 9
Step: 4
So, Brad won 9 out of the 30 games he played.
Correct Answer is :   9
Q8Jim's monthly salary was $5,000. His salary increased by 15% in 6 months. Find his salary after the increase.

A. $5,760
B. $6,750
C. $5,750
D. $4,750

Step: 1
Jim's present salary = Jim's original salary + 15% of 5000
Step: 2
15% = 15100 = 0.15
  [Write the percent as a decimal.]
Step: 3
15% of 5,000
= 0.15 × 5000 = 750
Step: 4
Jim's present salary = 5000 + 750 = $5,750
Step: 5
So, Jim's salary after the raise is $5,750.
Correct Answer is :   $5,750
Q9The price of a book was increased by 11%. The original price of the book was $140. Find the increased price of the book.
A. $150
B. $15.40
C. $155.40
D. $165.40

Step: 1
The increased price of the book = original price + 11% of 140
Step: 2
11% = 11100 = 0.11
  [Write the percent as a decimal.]
Step: 3
11% of 140
= 0.11 × 140 = 15.40
Step: 4
The increased price of the book = 140 +15.40 = $155.40
Correct Answer is :   $155.40
Q10The regular price of a jacket was $30. A discount of 20% was marked on it. Find the price of the jacket after the discount.

A. $36
B. $24
C. $27
D. $26

Step: 1
Discount on the jacket = 20% of $30
Step: 2
20% = 20100 = 0.2
  [Write the percent as a decimal.]
Step: 3
20% of 30
= 0.2 × 30 = 6
Step: 4
Price of the jacket after discount = regular price of the jacket - discount = 30 - 6 = $24
Step: 5
So, price of the jacket after discount is $24.
Correct Answer is :   $24
Q11The regular price of a pair of shoes is $110. If the sales person is selling it at 80% of the regular price, then find the sale price.

A. $97
B. $88
C. $99
D. $90

Step: 1
Sale price of the pair of shoes is 80% of 110.
Step: 2
80% = 80100 = 0.8
  [Write the percent as a decimal.]
Step: 3
80% of 110 = 0.8 × 110 = $88
Step: 4
So, the sale price of the pair of shoes is $88.
Correct Answer is :   $88
Q12The regular price of a pair of pants is $140. Find the selling price of the pair of pants, if a discount of 20% is marked on it.

A. $112
B. $122
C. $127
D. $137

Step: 1
The discount on the pants = 20% of 140.
Step: 2
20% = 20100 = 0.2
  [Convert into decimal by dividing by 100.]
Step: 3
20% of 140 = 0.2 × 140
= $28
Step: 4
The new price of the pants = regular price - discount = 140 - 28 = $112.
Step: 5
The selling price of the pants is $112.
Correct Answer is :   $112
Q13On Christmas, a candy store offered 5% discount on the price of a pound of candy. The normal selling price of a pound of candy is $49. Find the selling price of a pound of candy after discount.
A. $2.45
B. $46.55
C. $51.45
D. $44

Step: 1
The normal selling price of a pound of candy is $49 and discount offered by the candy store is 5%.
Step: 2
Selling price = normal price - discount.
Step: 3
= 49 - 5% of 49
  [Substitute the values.]
Step: 4
= 49 - 0.05 × 49
  [Convert percent to decimal by moving decimal point two places to left and then multiply with the normal price.]
Step: 5
= 49 - 2.45 = 46.55
Step: 6
The selling price is $46.55.
Correct Answer is :   $46.55
Q14A watch company gave an offer of 'Buy one and get 25% discount on the other'. The regular price of the watch was $170. Josh bought 2 watches. How much did he pay?

A. $307.50
B. $297.50
C. $302.50
D. None of the above

Step: 1
Cost of second watch = regular price - discount
Step: 2
= 170 - 25% of regular price
Step: 3
= 170 - 0.25 × 170
  [Convert percent to decimal by moving decimal point two places to left and then multiply to the regular price.]
Step: 4
= 170 - 42.50 = 127.50
Step: 5
Cost of two watches = 170 + 127.50 = $297.50
Step: 6
Josh paid $297.50 for the 2 watches.
Correct Answer is :   $297.50
Q15The population of the United States was about 250 million in 2003, and is growing exponentially at a rate of about 0.7% per year. What will be its population in the year 2013?
A. 250 million
B. 248.1 million
C. 230 million
D. 268.1 million

Step: 1
From the data, the time t is 10 years, since it calculated from the year 2003 to year 2013.
Step: 2
The percent increase, r = 0.7% = 0.007
Step: 3
The initial population, C = 250 million
Step: 4
y = C(1 + r)t
  [Write exponential growth model.]
Step: 5
= 250(1 + 0.007)10
  [Substitute C = 250, r = 0.007 and t = 10.]
Step: 6
= 250(1.007)10 = 268.1
Step: 7
The population in the year 2013 will be 268.1 million.
Correct Answer is :   268.1 million