Solved Examples and Worksheet for Attributes of Quadrilaterals

Q1I am the door to your room. I have my one pair of sides longer than the other. What shape am I?

A. square
B. rectangle
C. circle
D. pyramid

Step: 1
A rectangle is a quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides, two pairs of equal sides, and four angles measuring 90° each.
Step: 2
A door has two pairs of parallel sides and two pairs of equal sides.
Step: 3
So, I am rectangular in shape.
Correct Answer is :   rectangle
Q2Which of these shapes have four sides?

A. rectangle
B. circle
C. I don′t know.
D. triangle

Step: 1
A rectangle has four sides.
Step: 2
Therefore, the correct answer is rectangle.
Correct Answer is :   rectangle
Q3Which one of the following figures is a quadrilateral?

A. Figure 4
B. Figure 3
C. Figure 2
D. Figure 1

Step: 1
A quadrilateral has four sides.
Step: 2
Figures 1, 3 and 4 do not have 4 sides.
Step: 3
So, Figure 2 is a quadrilateral.
Correct Answer is :   Figure 2
Q4Which quadrilateral has its opposite sides equal?

A. Figure 4
B. Figure 3
C. Figure 1
D. Figure 2

Step: 1
A quadrilateral with opposite sides equal is called a parallelogram.
Step: 2
From the given figures, Figure 1 is a parallelogram with opposite sides equal.
Step: 3
So, Figure 1 is the correct answer.
Correct Answer is :   Figure 1
Q5Which of the following names appear to describe the quadrilateral MNOP?

A. square
B. rectangle
C. parallelogram
D. trapezoid

Step: 1
In the given quadrilateral MNOP opposite sides are parallel, equal and opposite angles are equal.
Step: 2
Therefore, the given quadrilateral MNOP is a parallelogram.
Correct Answer is :   parallelogram
Q6A quadrilateral has ______ sides.
A. Six
B. Three
C. Five
D. Four

Step: 1
All four sided polygons are known as quadrilaterals.
  [Quadra means four.]
Step: 2
So, any quadrilateral has four sides.
Correct Answer is :   Four
Q7Identify the figure that is a square.

A. Figure 4
B. Figure 2
C. Figure 3
D. Figure 1

Step: 1
A square is a four sided polygon whose all sides are equal and all the angles measure 90°.
Step: 2
Figure 2, Figure 3 and Figure 4 have all their opposite sides equal.
Step: 3
Figure 1 is a square, as all its sides are equal.
Correct Answer is :   Figure 1
Q8Which one of the figures is a rectangle?

A. Figure 1
B. Figure 2
C. Figure 3

Step: 1
A four-sided figure whose opposite sides are parallel and all the angles measure 90° is called a rectangle.
Step: 2
Among the choices, Figure 3 is a rectangle.
Correct Answer is :   Figure 3
Q9Which quadrilateral does not have the following properties?
'Opposite sides are parallel and of the same length.'

A. parallelogram
B. rectangle
C. square
D. kite

Step: 1
A rectangle, a square and a parallelogram have its opposite sides parallel and of the same length.
Step: 2
A kite has two pairs of sides of same length but opposite sides are not parallel.
Step: 3
Hence, kite is the quadrilateral which does not satisfy the properties 'opposite sides are parallel and of the same length.'
Correct Answer is :   kite
Q10Choose the quadrilateral or quadrilaterals in which the two pairs of opposite angles are equal.

A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. I, II, and III

Step: 1
Observe that, figure 'I' is a trapezoid, figure 'II' is a rhombus, and figure 'III' is a parallelogram.
Step: 2
In a trapezoid, both pairs of opposite angles are not equal.
  [From properties of a trapezoid.]
Step: 3
In a parallelogram, both pairs of opposite angles are equal.
  [From properties of a parallelogram.]
Step: 4
A rhombus is a parallelogram. So, the properties that are true for a parallelogram are true for a rhombus as well.
Step: 5
Therefore, the choice "II and III" is the correct answer.
Correct Answer is :   II and III
Q11Identify the quadrilaterals in which all the sides are equal.

A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. I, II, and III

Step: 1
All the sides of a rhombus are equal.
Step: 2
A square is a rhombus.
Step: 3
All the properties that are true for a rhombus are also true for a square. So all the sides of a square are also equal.
Correct Answer is :   II and III
Q12Recognize the rhombus in which every angle is a right angle.
A. Trapezoid
B. Square
C. Rectangle
D. Right Triangle

Step: 1
From the given options, a rhombus in which every angle is a right angle is a square.
Correct Answer is :   Square
Q13Which of the following statements is not true?

A. Every parallelogram is a trapezoid.
B. Every rectangle is a parallelogram.
C. Every Square is a rectangle.
D. Every trapezoid is a parallelogram.

Step: 1
Every Square is a rectangle because a square satisfies all the properties of rectangle.
Step: 2
Every rectangle is a parallelogram because in a rectangle, two pairs of opposite sides are parallel.
Step: 3
Every parallelogram is a trapezoid but every trapezoid is not a parallelogram. because, in a trepezoid one pair of opposite sides may not be parallel.
Correct Answer is :   Every trapezoid is a parallelogram.