Definition Of Liquid

Definition Of Liquid


A liquid is a sample of matter which has definite size or volume and will not have any particular shape of its own. 

More About Liquid:

Liquid takes the shape of the container in which it is placed.
The molecules of a liquid are farther apart from each other than the molecules of a solid. The molecules do attract each other but with a force lesser than that between the molecules of a solid.
The molecules of liquid are not allotted a definite position as in the case of solids.
In liquid molecules are free and hence can move about from one part of the liquid to another.
The molecules will adjust themselves to any shape of container in which the liquid is placed.
The molecules of the liquid will not escape from the top surface as they are bounded by the molecules of the bottom surface. Hence they have fixed or definite volume.
The liquids can flow to fill any shape.
The molecules in the liquid are close together and attract each other.
The molecules in the liquid vibrate vigorously hence the attractions cannot hold them in fixed positions.

Definition of Liquid

Worked Example:

Which of the following describes the property of liquid? 

A. Particle move about freely at high speed.
B. No fixed shape or volume.
C. Virtually no attraction between particles.
D. Particles vibrate but can change position.

Correct answer is D


Step 1:In gases particle move about freely at high speed.
Step 2: Liquids will have fixed volume.
Step 3: There is an attraction between the molecules of liquid, but the force of attraction is less than the force of attraction between solid molecules, hence they will not have any fixed shape. 
Step 4: In liquids particles vibrate and can change position. In solids particles vibrate about fixed positions

Related terms: Molecules | Gases | Solids