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Definition Of Dollar

Dollar is the basic monetary unit and one dollar is equivalent to 100 cents.

More About Dollar

Dollar is written by using the symbol $.
US dollar is also written as USD.

Examples of Dollar

 example of  Dollar

The above currency shows 1 US dollar or $1.

Video Examples:

Solved Example on Dollar

Ques: Mary bought candies. She paid a group of bills as shown. How much did Mary pay?

 example of  Dollar


A. 5
B. 4
C. 7
D. 10
Correct Answer: A


Step 1: The picture shows a group of five $1 bills.
Step 2: So, the total amount that Mary paid = (5 × $1.00) 
Step 3: = $5.00 
Step 4: Hence, Mary paid $5.00