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Definition Of Denominator

The number below the bar in a fraction is called the Denominator.

We can also define denominator as the number of parts that a whole is divided into.

More About Denominator

A fraction with zero (0) in the denominator is undefined.

Example of Denominator

 example of  Denominator

The given circle is divided into 3 parts. Out of the 3 parts, one part is shaded.
So, we write this model as in fraction form.
In this fraction 3 is the denominator whereas 1 is the numerator.

Video Examples: Rationalize the Denominator

Solved Example on Denominator

Ques: Identify the denominator in the fraction  example of  Denominator .


A. 39
B. 19
C. 40
D. 20
Correct Answer: A


Step 1: In a fraction, the number below the bar is called the denominator. 
Step 2: In the given fraction, the number below the bar is 39.
Step 3: So, the denominator is 39.