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Cube Root

Definition Of Cube Root

Cube root of a number a is given as Cube Root or cube root . For example cube root of 64 =Cube Root=Cube_Root =4.

More About Cube Root

Cube root is nothing but the one of the identical factors of a given number.
All the real numbers have exactly one real cube root and 2 complex roots.
All the non-zero complex numbers have three distinct cube roots.

Video Examples: Cube Root

Example of Cube Root

Cube root of 724 is Cube Root= 9, because 9 × 9 × 9 = 724.
Cube root of x3y6z3 is  cube root .

Solved Example on Cube Root

Ques: Find the cube root of 1331.


A. 11
B. 9 
C. 12 
D. 12.1 
Correct Answer: A


Step 1: Cube root of 1331 = cube root
Step 2: cube root = cube root [ = (a)1/n.]
Step 3: cube root= [1331 can be written as 11 × 11 × 11 = 113.]
Step 4: = 113 . 1/3 [(an)m = amn]
Step 5: = 11
Step 6: So, cube root of 1331 is 11.