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Convex Polygon

Definition Of Convex Polygon

A polygon is convex if any line segment joining any two points on it stays inside the polygon itself.

More About Convex Polygon

In a convex polygon, a rubber band fits snugly without leaving any gap.
The measure of the internal angles of a convex polygon is always less than 180°.

Video Examples:Convex Polygon

Example of Convex Polygon

EXAMPLE OF Converging Lines

The above figures shown are convex polygons.

Solved Example on Convex Polygon

Ques: Count the number of convex polygons among the given figures.

example of Convex Polygon


A. 1
B. 2 
C. 3 
D. 4 
Correct Answer: C


Step 1: Any two points in the interior of a convex polygon can be connected with a 
line segment that does not cut a side of the polygon.
Step 2: If a line is drawn through each given polygon, it does not cut the sides of the Figures 1, 2, and 4. 
example of Convex Polygon
Step 3: Therefore, there are 3 convex polygons among the given figures.