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Definition Of Approximate

Approximate is an estimation of a number or rounding a number to its nearest place value.

More About Approximate

For a number that ends with a digit less than 5: Round down the number to the lower number that ends with 0.
For a number that ends with a digit greater than or equal to 5: Round up the number by adding 1 to that digit.

Examples of Approximate

234 rounded to the nearest tens is 230: As the digit in the ones place is less than 5, we round down the number to 0.

4589 rounded to the nearest hundreds is 4600: As the digit in the hundreds place is 5, so we round up the number by adding 1 to that digit.

Video Examples: Simpsons Rule - Approximate Integration

Solved Example Clockple on Approximate

Ques: Justin earns $8,265 and saves $3,325 every month. Estimate the amount of money, which he spends every month, to the nearest hundred


A. $5,300
B. $6,000
C. $4,000
D. $5,000
Correct Answer: D


Step 1: Justin's earnings = $8,265
Step 2: 8,265 ∼ 8,300 [Round to the nearest hundreds.]
Step 3: Justin's savings = $3,325
Step 4: 3,325 ∼ 3,300 [Round to the nearest hundreds.]
Step 5: 8,300 - 3,300 = 5,000 [Total earnings - Total savings = Expenditure.]
Step 6: Justin spends about $5,000 every month.

Ques: Victor deposited $38,450 into his account. What is the amount in his account rounded to the nearest ten thousands?


A. $50,000
B. $40,000
C. $30,000
D. $3000
Correct Answer: B


Step 1: Represent the number 38,450 on a number line as shown below.
example of Approximate
Step 2: On the number line, 38,450 is between 30,000 and 40,000.
Step 3: The number 38,450 is closer to 40,000 than to 30,000.
Step 4: So, 38,450 rounded to its nearest ten thousands is 40,000.