
Definition of Trees

Huge plants with a single permanent and tougher woody stem,bearing branches and leaves at some distance from the ground
Examples of Tree: Mango, Palm, Banana, Pine, Bamboo, Teak, Banyan, Tamarind

More About Trees

  • Trees take more time to grow and are long lived
  • The thick persistent woody stem of the trees is known as “trunk”
  • Trees are classified as
  • A) Based on the leaf duration
    a) Evergreen trees that hold leaves throughout the year
    b) Deciduous trees that remain without leaves for a particular season

  • Trees are considered as “Lungs of the planet”as they breathe in Carbon dioxide and breathe out Oxygen
  • Cultivation of trees on the large scale is called Silviculture
  • Trees help to purify the air by absorbing the odours and the pollutant gases and providing us with good amount of Oxygen
  • Trees provide habitat and shelter for many birds and other wildlife
  • Trees provide us with Food, Medicines, Fuel and Timber
  • Trees help to prevent runoff and soil erosion by holding the underground water
  • They help in bringing rain
  • They absorb sound and hence reduce noise pollution
  • Many of the materials we use in our daily life such as pencil, rubber, paper, furniture such as table chair, bedcome from the wood of trees
  • Carbon dioxide is the major among many Green house gases
  • Trees by absorbing large volume of Carbon dioxidehelp in combating the green house effect
  • Deforestation is destruction of trees on a large scale leading to floods and draught