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Definition Of Ounce

Ounce is the customary unit for measuring weight.

Examples of Outlier

Ounce is abbreviated as oz.
1 pound = 16 ounces.
16 ounces = 2 cups

Example of Ounce

Weight of apple cinnamon can be measured by using ounces.
Weight of perfume bottle is measured in ounces.

Video Examples: What is a Ounce, Fluid Ounce, and Troy Ounce (explained)

Solved Example on Ounce

Ques: The average intake of food by an adult is 4 lb per day. Express the intake in ounces.


A. 64 oz
B. 128 oz
C. 32 oz
D. 54 oz
Correct Answer: A


Step 1: 4 lb =  lb ×  [1 pound (lb) = 16 ounces (oz).]
Step 2: =  oz [Multiply.]
Step 3: =  oz = 64 oz [Simplify.]
Step 4: So, the Average intake of food by an adult is 64 oz per day.