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Like Terms

Definition Of Like Terms

Like terms are monomials that contain the same variables raised to the same powers. They can be combined to form a single term.

More About Like Terms

While adding or subtracting, we add or subtract the like terms.
Like Radical Expressions: Like radical expressions are the radical expressions that have the same indices and radicands.

Video Examples: Combining Like Terms

Example of Like Terms

7a2b and 31a2b are like terms.
In the expression 6x2 + 7xy - 9y3 - 3xy +7, the like terms are 7xy and - 3xy.

Solved Example on Like Terms

Ques: Simplify: 2xy + 4 + 3xy + y


A. 4xy + 5y + 4
B. 6xy + y + 4
C. 5xy + y + 4
D. 6xy + 4y + 4
Correct Answer: C


Step 1: In the expression 2xy + 4 + 3xy + y, the like terms are 2xy and 3xy.
Step 2: So, the final expression is 5xy + y + 4.