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Definition Of Dozen

A group of 12 items is called a dozen.

More About Dozen

A 'baker's dozen' is 13, one more than a proper dozen.

Examples of Dozen

Lara bought 1 dozen of oranges. That means she bought 12 oranges.
Sheena bought 3 dozens of pencils. That means she bought (3 x 12 =) 36 pencils.

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Solved Example on Dozen

Ques: Nathan has 5 dozens of cookies. How many cookies make 5 dozens?


A. 60
B. 48
C. 30
D. 50
Correct Answer: A


Step 1: 1 dozen = 12 items
Step 2: 5 dozens = 5 × 12 = 60 
Step 3: So, 60 cookies is equivalent to 5 dozens.