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Unit Of Measurement

Definition Of Unit Of Measurement

Unit of Measurement is a standard quantity used in measurement. (plz check this definition)

More About Unit of Measurement

Different units are used to measure a quantity in different measurement systems.

Examples of Unit of Measurement

Mile is used as a unit to measure the distance
Liter is used as a unit to measure the capacity of something.
Kilogram is used as a unit to measure the weight.

Video Examples: Units of Measurement

Solved Example on Unit of Measurement

Ques: Which one of these units would you use to measure the length of a handbag?


A. centimeters
B. pounds
C. miles
D. cups
Correct Answer: A


Step 1: Pounds is a measure of weight, cups is a measure of volume
Step 2: Miles is a unit of distance or length, but it is too big to measure a handbag
Step 3: The appropriate unit to measure the length of a handbag is 'centimeters'.