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Definition Of Kiloliter

Kiloliter is a metric unit to measure the volume or capacity of a large quantity of liquids

More About Kiloliter

It is symbolically represented as "kl"
One kiloliter is equal to 1000 liters
It is also equal to a cubic meter or 1 m3

Video Examples: Converting kg/L to g/mL

Example of Kiloliter

Kilometer Per Hour

The capacity of a truck tanker is in kiloliter

A company produces several kiloliters of ethanol every day


Solved Example on Kiloliter

Ques: Which of the following could be the best estimate for the capacity of a water tank?


A. 5 kiloliters
B. 1 liter
C. 50 liter
D. 25 kiloliters
Correct Answer: A


Step 1: Among the choices, 25 kiloliters could be the best estimate for the capacity of a water tank.