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Digital Clock

Definition Of Digital Clock

A Digital Clock uses only numerals to show the time.

More About Digital Clock

A digital clock can easily be incorporated into any electronic device.
A digital clock uses numbers 0 - 23 or 1 - 12 to display hour.

Example of Digital Clock

 example of  Digital Clock

The clock shown above is a digital clock and the time shown in the clock is "Four hours and twelve minutes"

Video Examples: Learn to Read Analog and Digital Clocks

Solved Example on Digital Clock

Ques: Identify the analog clock that shows the same time as the digital clock above it.

 example of  Digital Clock


A. Clock 4
B. Clock 1
C. Clock 2
D. Clock 3
Correct Answer: A


Step 1: The digital clock shows the time 10.20.
Step 2: If the analog clock shows the time 10.20, the short hand should be between 10 and 11 and the long hand should be on 4.
Step 3: So, the Clock 4 shows the same time as the digital clock.